Drawing the structure of the cell - the work of the company's employees

About us

S & N Project ltd

The company was founded in 2007 by two researchers, Nedelcho Stavrakev - chemist and Sergey Astashkin, former researcher at the Russian Academy of Sciences. The first goal was the production of a harmless (photocatalyst-based) dry mixture for self-desinfecting coat (walls, floors and external facades of buildings), for agricultural and food premises according to its patent. This development is being negotiated with several countries. In 2010, due to Sergei's move to Russia, the company's activities were slowed down. In 2012, the company made the starting batch of new drugs of the Reocytan line (1-7). These are drugs of the new dietary supplement technology - based on plant extracts, for accurate management of beneficial effects in the body.

These drugs have shown high efficacy and are used practically for treatment to inhibit the aging of the body. It is planned to continue their release. Now more products of the Apresyl line are being added that are aimed at compensation in the immune disorganization of the body with age. The initial focus on the domestic market, with conventional marketing tools, in Bulgaria and Russia showed its inefficiency. Alibaba will allow us to change our marketing strategy. Interest in our drugs is very high - both in America and in the countries of Russia.

Our company uses contract production - as the main one. Controlling it through Know-How and patents.
